Sunday, October 12, 2008

randomness...feed your mind and your blog

10.12 Happy Haunting

1. What's your favorite Halloween costume? Do you still dress up for Halloween?

I don't dress up for Halloween anymore. Don't really have a favorite costume.

2. Pumpkin Carving, is it fun or overrated?

I think it can be fun if you have a knack for it. There are some really creative people out there. And if you don't have a knack for it, you can just get messy and have a little fun, and then bake the seeds from the insides because they make a good snack.

3. What's your fav Halloween treat?

Chocolate :)

4. Do you watch scary movies? If so, what are your favorites?

I don't watch scary movies very often (and no horror) The last one that really got me was Signs*. I liked The Others* too. (psychological thrillers! do they count?)

5. What's your favorite scary book?

The Stand*.

till next time....


Blogger The Bookworm said...

great answers, I like that movie The Others.
enjoy your weekend.

6:38 PM  

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